Intro Page


416 E 5th Street
East Liverpool, Ohio 43920

Phone Policy

Try to refrain from using your personal phone while on duty with your clients. Personal calls made during work hours should be limited to urgent concerns that cannot wait until you are off duty.

Social Media

While fulfilling the mission and vision at CHUCKS HOME CARE AGENCY, employees may not post content that is personal or health information, including client images, on any media sites. Furthermore, this in order to protect the privacy of all parties involved for safety.

Disclosure of Personal Business

As caregivers, we strive to build relationships with our clients while providing quality care. Sharing personal business is prohibited in order to maintain a professional relationship with our clients.

By signing below, you accept the responsibility of keeping all confidential, professional, and personal health information in a way that involves CHUCKS HOME CARE AGENCY, our colleagues, or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. This agreement extends beyond the office walls and clients.

I understand that the violation of confidentiality in any form represents grounds for disciplinary action.